We love to write!
We've had articles published and written blogs on a range on topics, offering insights and guidance on the challenges of innovating and collaborating. We hope you can find something useful below:

November 27, 2019
Understanding why you should use either Teams or Yammer can be hard to articulate when you put the tool first. Put the people first, however, and it becomes much clearer...
August 27, 2018
The workplace of tomorrow is long overdue. It sounds like an anomaly, but think about it. Today's workplace runs still largely according to Victorian values. We come to a workplace where we are managed in hierarchical structures, kept in one place for set hours every day, then go home to our 'other' lives...
September 16, 2018
Good collaboration produces innovation. So therefore, good collaboration on enterprise social networks produces crowd-sourced ideas and new innovations, right? It's still a lottery, relying on spontaneous connections. We can, however, beat the odds...
May 28, 2018
If you want real innovation from your workforce, running an “innovation campaign” will foster creativity. If you treat innovation as an open-ended suggestion box, the result will largely be suggestions for improvements or solutions looking for problems to solve. The chances of genuine creativity are slim...
April 19, 2018
Whatever your approach, enterprise social network (ESN) tools such as Yammer and Workplace by Facebook are gaining a foothold as highly useful innovation tools. A number of specialist open innovation tools are also available that combine social with innovation management. Here are some ways to align them with core innovation phases...
February 28, 2018
Enterprise social networks (ESN) are buzzing. Or so we hear. Yet for every company bragging about their amazing ESN adoption rates, we also hear many more tales of how hard it’s been, of how an organization has struggled to find any real purpose. But if you’ve already deployed your ESN or it's part of a wider suite of tools, all is not lost. Here are five things you can do today to energize your enterprise social network...
November 30, 2017
The demand for innovation has now spread from primary industries to the tertiary sector — from products to services. So how do we innovate in workplaces that have typically relied on their core offerings, knowledge and skill-base rather than invention? Innovation tools are becoming more sophisticated and increasingly social to help fill this need...
August 28, 2017
The complex mix of people, facilities, IT tools and processes that make up a workplace are now being grouped under the umbrella of "employee experience." But dig a little deeper, does anything actually change? The same old barriers to innovation and change remain...
June 27, 2017
We invest in digital collaboration tools, therefore we see collaboration as the outcome, right?
Unfortunately, the answer is largely a resounding no. Over the last year, I have been running workshops for multinational organizations on how to overcome collaboration's hurdles...
June 14, 2017
Cats, holidays, children, craft beer, more cats .... The number of non-work related topics posted on workplace enterprise social media can boggle the mind, leading management to view enterprise social as a time waster, the long lunch of the digital workplace. But enterprise social serves a purpose and can help boost productivity.
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